In our day to day lives, chores or jobs can build up. Soon it seems like doing anything seems like you need to scale a mountain! You look up at the huge list and shrink inside. Often, we tell ourselves it can be put off till tomorrow…the tomorrow which never arrives. The mountain starts to feel like a heavy burden to carry and it wears us down mentally.
When we look at the whole it can seem huge, the way around this is to break it down into smaller tasks. To take smaller steps up the mountain, to only look at our foot steps instead of upwards trail. This way we don’t become overwhelmed and we feel that what we are attempting today is manageable.
Taking the first step is always the hardest, but generally we find that once started, we are happy to go with the flow and finish the job.

Top tips:
1. Tackle smaller tasks first, each tick off the list feels great and empowers you to do more.
2. Break large jobs into smaller sub jobs.
3. Finish each job before you start the next! How often do we get distracted by other jobs that turn up during the first?
4. Keep focused on what you are doing, split attention means it will take longer.
5. For longer tasks/chores allow yourself short breaks. Humans all have a limited attention span, work with it, not against it.
6. Prioritize your list or the steps you need to take.
7. Visualise each achievement as a trophy!
Remember to think about your mind set. Do you believe you can do this? Are you looking at too much at once? Are your thoughts proactive or de-active? Are you able to see yourself as an achiever? Work through these questions and change any negative self-talk to positive self-talk. Become your biggest cheerleader! You CAN do this!
The first step is always the hardest, but once you getting going……..don’t let anyone stop you! If you’d like to watch a video on making good choices then watch this 30 minute video of Paul.
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