automatic writing – empty your mind and get super creative

Automatic writing is a great way to clear your mind if it’s over flowing, or to get creative if you’re short of inspiring ideas. That sounds odd – that it works for both ends of the mental spectrum. Clear your mind or fill it up!!! I’m telling you, I’ve tried it and it really works. Also, the more you do it the easier it gets – especially if you like me and you’re not used to sitting down and writing!!!

So here’s the idea

Get yourself a piece of paper – probably A4. You now have two side’s to fill … GO!!!

To help you here’s some automatic writing rules:

  • No re-reading
  • Just writing
  • No editing
  • Just writing
  • No checking your spelling
  • Just writing

If you can’t think of anything to write, then literally write ‘I can’t think of anything to write’. Write the first thing that comes into your mind. Write ‘my coffee is cold and my bed’s not made’. You’ll be surprised that once you get going how easy it becomes. You may well find the first few times you try it that you stop and start to ‘ponder’. As a result the writing process comes to a holt. Get writing again as quickly as you can. Don’t censor, don’t judge, literally just keep going until you’ve filled two pages.

What’s automatic writing good for

If you’re mind is full of ‘stuff’ going round and round, for instance, then writing it down might well help. It helps to get things onto paper and it doesn’t have to have any sense of order or meaning. If you then want to sort your thoughts into a plan because that feels like the next step then by all means do so.

If you’re feeling bored or lack inspiration it’s amazing what springs up when you’re not thinking about what you’re writing. You can do this as often as you’d like to. For instance, lots of people use it every day and never do anything with their writing. Whereas others use it as a way of sorting their thoughts so they don’t then need to carry them around with them – a mind dump. Some use it as the start of a new plan or planning session. Use it however works best for you. There’s no right or wrong – there’s just automatic writing.

I hope this helps you clear your mind, gets you automatic writing and helps you find more amazing, inspirational ideas.

Love and peace,


If you’d like more info on automatic writing then check out this article. Plus, there’s loads more to look at on our website.