Complete the financial forms to work out your monthly income and out goings. You can add dates to make it easier to remember when money is moving.
Below are some tips which may help you with your finances.
- If you’re struggling with money seek professional help as soon as possible. There is free help out there – in the UK check the Citizen’s Advice website here.
- Don’t set direct debits to go out on the same day as money comes in. Set direct debits for the day or two days after. Sometimes direct debts can go out in the early hours of the morning, before your money comes in and so they are bounced by the bank, if there;s not enough money in the account to cover them.
- Work out how much ‘spare’ money you have coming in and transfer a portion of this into another ‘everyday’ account. This allows you to know exactly how much money you can spend each month. Cut up the debit card for the main account so you’re not tempted to touch it.
- Set up a savings account and direct debit money into it as soon as money comes into your account so you don’t miss it.
- Look at your finances/ financial forms each month to make sure you’re savings are going up – even if it’s only by a small amount. This helps you re-enforce good habits to see your money going up.
- If you’d like to work with us and get 1-on-1 help with your finances, or anything else going on in your life, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a no obligation chat.
We hope these financial forms help you. If you’re struggling with money get help – do it NOW!!! You can also check out the Citizen’s Advice website here.