Love and peace – the unexpected upside

Love and peace should be your go to state of mind, state of being, in fact state of everything. No matter what you ‘think’ ALWAYS give people the benefit of the doubt. Always be kind.

What that really means is, when they cut you up in traffic – it’s ok. When they barge past you in a shop – well that’s ok too. You don’t know what they’re going through. You don’t know what they’re living with. Give love and peace to everyone.

Woo hoo mumbo jumbo

I’ve been accused, in the past, of being a hippy, a left wing socialist do gooder and just too damned woo hoo namby pamby. So I wanted to put a few points out there for your contemplation.

If you live in a place of love and peace you’ll find you get more kindness back. That’s not rocket science. Most of us can see how this might work. What goes around comes around, you reap what you sow. Right?

But it’s a big bad world out there.

Some people, quite a lot in fact, seem to think that no matter what you do or say, that the naysayers will bring you down. That the negativity of people all around us just gets too much. That you have to be hard to get on. All’s fair in love and war. Well I say there’s no down side to living a life of love and peace.

Here’s the upside

If you’re nice and people are nice back – then you win.

If you’re nice and people are nasty to you, be nice again. They don’t like it. In fact they find it irritating and very quickly leave you alone – then you win.

Nasty, irritating people, attack others in order to get a reaction. Hurt people hurt people – as the saying goes. No reaction very quickly dampens their fuel and away they go to annoy someone else. Leaving you in the company of all the nice people.

It may seem that I’m being nice because I’m weak, or simple, or I can’t be any other way. In fact I’m nice because it gives me a better life. Not just win win, but win win win win win win.

Love and peace,

Paul :O)

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love and peace image
Love and peace

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