Charles Darwin asks: Are you responsive to change?

How are you facing life’s challenges? Are you as responsive to change as you’d like to be?
Can you change with the times?
It’s not always easy to change – but being able to make small changes is a key aspect for all of our lives. Often we don’t need to throw away the whole plan. We just need to tweak it to make it more appropriate for today.
The problem becomes when we become entrenched in our opinions as opposed to being open minded.
So what in your life needs a tweak? If you need to drink more water … and most of us do … then how are you going to implement that into your life? It could be as easy as having a drink every time you turn the TV on. Linking new habits to existing habits is a great way of remembering. After all, new habits take time to create.
As Charles Darwin gently puts it – you don’t have to be the smartest or the strongest … but you do want to be able to change.
If you need help creating new habits please get in touch – we’re here to help. Have an awesome day.
Love & Peace,
Paul xx :O)
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We also have a YouTube channel and we have a great video on making good choices here.