That Friday feeling’s here again and it feels fabulous!

That Friday feeling’s here – and what have you got planned for the weekend? For me the weekend bring’s a break from the 9 to 5 routine and gives me a chance to work more on the other things in my life I’m building … like this blog for instance. Just because we have time off doesn’t mean we have to down tools and chillax for the whole weekend. After all God spent 6 days building the world and then only took one day off!!!

The idea of retirement has also always intrigued me. The story goes that it started in Germany, when a young prime minister decided that the ‘old’ guard’, that were giving him too much grief. So he ‘thanked’ them for their service to their country, and ‘retired’ them all – the state supporting them by paying them to effectively do nothing!!!

So it’s always made me think about people that ‘need’ holidays. That need time off. That need to take a break from life. Isn’t life ‘all of it’? Surely if we ‘need’ a holiday we’re doing something wrong the rest of the time?

That’s easy for you to say!

That Friday feeling's here

Don’t get me wrong – I’ve worked hard in the past. Our family had a nursery growing plants and from the beginning of March to the end of June we worked 80 hours weeks, with no days off for four months. And it was hard graft, lifting carrying and on your feet all day. Boy did we need to have a break after that four months!!! But looking back on it, I wonder could we have worked a bit smarter? Employed a little bit more staff so we weren’t quite so burnt out by the end of the growing season?

What’s life all about anyway?

So now I’m thinking, and I’m hoping you’re thinking as well, about what we’re gonna do with our time this weekend. And how we spend our working hours. Take some time off. Re-charge your batteries, but be deliberate. Set yourself a goal, a target, a challenge to do this weekend. Something, possibly, that you’ve been putting off doing. Factor in some down time and some relaxation, but try to think about your time management ALL week. If you’re working all week to be able to do nothing all weekend, then you’re probably not just missing out at the weekend, but your week’s also passing you by.

Have a great weekend, whatever you’re up to.

Love and Peace,


We have a YouTube channel …

that we think you might like here. It’s mainly been for dancing and gardening ideas so far. I realise that might seem a bit random, but bare with me!!! I was a dance teacher for 10 years, and still do some classes – Covid dependant. Take a look at the videos and see what you think. We welcome your thoughts and ideas so don’t be shy – drop us a comment.