Being right is a fundamental of life. It keeps us safe from danger, helps us establish status within the group and helps our confidence and self belief grow. The question then is: If I’m right are you wrong?
Like two blind men describing an elephant …
it depends what you’re feeling and where you’re stood – at the side or at the front. This is even more important if you’re stood at the back!!! So we all have our own opinions for good or for bad.
The problem becomes when we become entrenched in our opinions as opposed to being open minded. In the illustration above it’s easy to see how both sides could become entrenched or fixated with their own beliefs. Unable to see the others point of view.
Being blinkered and single minded. And yet it’s also easy to see, from the picture above, how easy it is to see things from another’s point of view. If only we’re open to the possibility of both being right. Simply by stepping into someone else’s shoes or viewing from their perspective, a clearer picture can be formed.
This doesn’t mean we have to change our opinion. In fact it may have the opposite effect. Viewing a question or problem from multiple sides may well give us more reasons to think we were right all along. Strengthening our beliefs and re-enforcing our commitment to the cause.
Life is more complicated than this
Obviously!!! Realising that there’s more than one answer to every question is important here. Two plus two only has one answer until you think that it could be 4, four, quatre or iv depending on the context. So how to step forward and be heard, but still have an open mind.
The answer, I believe, is to always assume the best in people. That from their perspective they’re just as right as you are. That doesn’t mean being subservient to everyone else’s thoughts and feelings.
It means knowing your mind, but accepting that others know theirs. Knowing that people are allowed to be wrong. Allowed to make bad choices. Finding common ground, where we can both that being right gives us all a big WIN WIN. And that’s got to be good news for us all.
Love and peace,
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